Wine Ceremony

Wine CeremonyThe bride and groom drink from a single glass of wine. This symbolizes drinking from the cup of life and sharing all of its experiences together, both bitter and sweet.

Wine Ceremony 1

This glass of wine symbolizes the sum of your life experiences.

It contains within it the sweet flavors of love, joy, wonder and contentment.

This same cup, at times, holds the bitter taste of sadness, pain, and despair.

When you drink deeply of this cup of life, you invite the full spectrum of experiences into your life.

As you drink from this cup, you accept the commitment to draw from your marriage all that you need to wash away the bitter flavors of life and to savor the sweet flavors you may encounter on your journey together.

Wine Ceremony 2

As you have shared wine from a single cup, so may you, under God’s guidance, share contentment, peace and fulfillment from the cup of life.

May you find life’s joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened, and each of its moments hallowed by true companionship and love.

We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.

Wine Ceremony 3

Life is a series of contradictions.

It is said that all things end and yet all things continue.

All things change and yet all things remain the same.

Wine has been called the symbol of life.

It’s like the blood flowing within our bodies.

By sharing this glass, the two become one, the parts become whole, two paths intertwined, each separate, yet united in love.

Wine Ceremony 4

Wine, like the life-blood that pulses through our veins, is a symbol of life.

It is created through the work of hands and minds.

Love, a feeling, in constant motion like the sea, lies in the soul alone.

Just as wine stimulates the body, love stimulates our souls to welcome the spirit of God.

As you share this wine glass today, may you be joined in a love as fluid as the drink itself, yet as solid as the hands which made it.

Wine Ceremony 5

This wine glass is to remind you of your love.

Delicate, yet strong; filled with love, yet with room for more.

It symbolizes two people coming together to share one life, one love.

Use this loving cup for miracles.

Fill it with forgiveness, understanding and appreciation.

Drink deeply and often.

Whenever you do, remember this:

Love is real.

Once created, it cannot be destroyed.

It is eternal.

Wine Ceremony 6

May this cup serve as a ceremonial loving cup for your relationship.

Born of the Miracle of this Holy Union, use this Loving Cup to find your way back home to each other when you have moved apart. It symbolizes two coming together to share one love, one life, and the opportunity to invite God into that life.

In times of unrest, may at least one of you have the presence to fill it with forgiveness.

The temple of the Holy Spirit is not a body, but a relationship — your relationship.

When your mind focuses on love, you become an open vessel of God’s expression, and your life together becomes a joyous unfolding into God’s Grace.

Wine Ceremony 7

In this glass are the fruits of God, Mankind and Mother Earth.

The years of our lives are like a cup of wine that is poured out for the sake of labor, honor and love.

Many days you will sit at the same table and eat and drink together.

Many are the experiences you will share.

As with a glass of wine, one of you may find it sweet, the other perhaps dry or somehow different.

Let the drink you share today serve as a reminder that although you may perceive things very differently, being right is never more important than being happy.

With this space that you give each other, always putting your commitment to love and honor one another first, your lives together will grow deeper, richer and greatly satisfying, like a rare and fine wine.

You may now drink from this fountain of love.

Wine Ceremony 8

Kahlil Gibran writes in the Prophet”:
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup, but drink not from one cup.

(Groom fills glass with wine)
Fill each other’s cup but drink from your own.

Let this symbolize your promise to each other to be yourselves to the fullest and at the same time to honor the unity you share as husband and wife and to cherish the gifts of love and nurturing each gives the other.

I invite you now to drink to one another . . . Let this drinking of wine also remind you that what matters most in life is the spirit, not the letter; the wine, not the cup.

Wine Ceremony 9

Like wine, life is a process of change, growth, compromise and wisdom.

As grapes are pressed to give forth their juice, so under the press of time our lives give forth their labor, honor, and love.

Long ago, wine was revered as the blood of the earth.

When the bride and groom pledged themselves to one another, they drank wine from a single cup, three times, signifying that they were becoming one blood, one family, one kin.

Cup-raising was an invitation to family and friends to witness this oath and hold the bride and groom to their vows.

It is also to remind the newlyweds and their families that a good wine is only good, if it is consumed… so must life be consumed.

Savor it till the last drop.

Wine Ceremony 10

BRIDE and GROOM, this Cup of Life” contains within it a wine with certain properties that are sweet and symbolic of happiness, joy, ecstasy and love just as the years of life ahead of you together will be.

This same wine also holds some bitter properties that symbolize disappointment, sorrow, grief, despair, and life’s trials and tribulations that you will inevitably run into during your new life together.

Be reminded to forgive the frailties of one another’s flaws, for they will be overcome, and bear together life’s adversities and be confident that the good” will always return and the strength in your love will always prevail.

Through love, your flaw becomes your strength.
Through love, does the world reveal itself.
Through love, each union is made.

Drink from this cup together, as you do, earnestly seek the power and wisdom to use all the pleasure and prosperity that may come to you with gratitude, modesty, and with sympathy for those less fortunate than yourselves.

Wine Ceremony 11

Together the sweet and the bitterness of this wine also represent life’s many Journeys, and all of the experiences that are a natural part of it.

Those who drink deeply from the Cup of Life” with an open heart and willing spirit, invite the full range of challenges and experiences into their being.

This Cup of Life” is symbolic of the pledges you have made to one another this evening, to share together the fullness of life.

As you drink from this cup for the second time, you acknowledge to one another that your lives – until this moment separate – have become one.

Drink now, and may the cup of your lives be overflowing!

Wine Ceremony 12

As you have shared this cup of wine, so may you share your lives.

May all the sweetness that it holds for you be that much sweeter because you have tasted it together.

May you find life’s joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened, and all of life enriched by a constant love.

As you share the wine from this cup, so may you share your lives.

As of this moment, you belong to the same current which will carry you to the highest peaks of life.

May this bond hold forever true!

Please share this cup of wine one last time as an acknowledgment of the new bond between you as life partners, soul mates, and this evening as Husband and Wife.

Wine Ceremony 13

The years of life are as a cup of wine poured out for you to drink.

This cup contains within it a wine with certain properties that are sweet and symbolic of happiness, joy, hope, peace, love and delight.

This same wine also holds some bitter properties that are symbolic of disappointment, sorrow, grief, despair, and life’s trials and tribulations.

Together the sweet and the bitter represent “Love’s Journey” and all of the experiences that are a natural part of it.

(Officiant pours wine into the cup and holds it up)

This cup of wine is symbolic of the cup of life.

When you drink deeply of this cup you invite the full spectrum of experiences into your life.

As you drink from this cup, you accept the commitment to draw from your marriage all that you need to wash away the bitter flavors of life and to savor the sweet flavors you will experience on your journey together.

This cup is also symbolic of the pledges you have made to one another to share together the fullness of life.

As you drink from this cup, you acknowledge to one another that your lives, separate until this moment, have now become one.

(Officiant hands the cup to Bride and Groom)

Now drink to the love you’ve shared in the past.

(The Bride and Groom sip from the cup.)

Drink to your love in the present, on this your wedding day.

(The Bride and Groom sip from the cup.)

And drink to your love in the future and forever more!

(The Bride and Groom sip from the cup and hand it back to the officiant.)

As you have shared the wine from this cup, so may you share your lives.

May you explore the mysteries of the cup and share in the reflection of love in one another’s soul.

From love all things proceed and unto love they must return.

May you find life’s joys heightened, it’s bitterness sweetened, and all of life enriched by God’s blessings upon you.

Wine Ceremony 14

This glass of wine symbolizes the sum of your life experiences.

It contains within it the sweet flavors of love, joy, wonder and contentment.

This same cup, at times, holds the bitter taste of sadness, pain, and despair.

When you drink deeply of this cup of life, you invite the full spectrum of experiences into your life.

As you drink from this cup, you accept the commitment to draw from your marriage all that you need to wash away the bitter flavors of life and to savor the sweet flavors you will experience on your journey together.

Wine Ceremony 15

Life is a series of contradictions.

It is said that all things end and yet all things continue.

All things change and yet all things remain the same.

Wine has been called the symbol of life. It is like the blood flowing within our bodies.

By sharing this glass, the two become one, the parts become whole; two paths intertwined, each separate, yet united in love.

Wine Ceremony 16

Wine, like the life-blood that pulses through our veins, is a symbol of life.

It is created through the work of hands and minds.

Love, a feeling, in constant motion like the sea, lies in the soul alone.

Just as wine stimulates the body, love stimulates our souls to welcome the spirit of God.

As you share this wine glass today, may you be joined in a love as fluid as the drink itself, yet as solid as the hands which made it.

Wine Ceremony 17

The years of our lives are as a cup of wine, poured out for us to drink.

As grapes when they are pressed give forth their juices for the wine, so under the wine press of time, our lives give forth their labor, their honor, their love. BRIDE and GROOM, often in the days to come you will sit at the same table and break bread together.

Drink now, and may the cup of your lives be sweet and full to running over.

As you have shared from this one cup of wine, so may you draw contentment, comfort, and delight from the cup of life.

May you find life’s joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened, and all things hallowed, by your companionship and love.

Wine Ceremony 18

This Ceremony represents the two individual lives which are now combined like the two wines into one single life.

The drinking of the combined wine signifies the commitment you now make to live your lives as one family.

May you remember this day of commitment you have sealed with drinking of the new wine joining your lives as one.

Wine Ceremony 19

We Now Shall Perform the Wine Ceremony

(The couple goes to the table and each takes the individual carafe and pours some wine into the larger carafe. The groom then takes the larger filled carafe with the combined wine and pours some in a glass for the bride. The bride then takes the Larger Carafe with the combined wines and pours some into a glass for the Groom. He may now toast his bride with, ” Now Our Lives Are One” and drinks from the glass she responds the same. They place the wine glass back and face back to the officiant.)

This Ceremony represents the two individual lives are now combined like the two wines into one single life.

The drinking of the combined wine signifies the commitment you now make to live your lives as one family.

May you remember this day of commitment you have sealed with drinking of the new wine joining your lives as one.

Family Wine Ceremony 20

Wine is a universal symbol – of the richness of life and sweetness of love.

So it is appropriate, that on this joyous occasion, you toast life with this ancient symbol.

(Parents), please fill BRIDE and GROOM’s glasses and take a sip.

This represents the continuous connection between parents and children.

It’s also symbolic of the love and encouragement you have provided them and will always provide them in their lives together.

Hand the cups to your children, and they will toast each other by drinking from their own cups as a sign of maintaining themselves and their individuality. (Drink)

Now BRIDE and GROOM drink from each other’s cups as a sign of sharing yourselves and your life together. (Drink)

Let this wine ceremony represent the spirit of your lives together.

By sharing this wine now, you have shown your desire to blend your families together even stronger.

May you always find life’s joy heightened and its bitterness sweetened.